Services We Offer

Prescription Delivery

Say goodbye to waiting in line — our prescription delivery service extends to all of New Jersey. We bring your meds right to your doorstep. Fast, easy, and convenient.


Prescription Delivery Icon
Prescription Refills

Prescription Refills

Pharmacy Express makes medication refills a breeze. Simply fill out our medication refill request form and our team will have your prescription prepared quickly and easily.



When it comes to staying healthy, Pharmacy Express is your one-stop spot for immunizations. No appointment needed, but please call ahead to confirm availability so we can best serve you during your visit.

Express Packs

Express Compliance Packs

We provide personalized monthly medication packs delivered straight to your door. Individual medications will be organized into monthly pill packs so you can take the correct medication at the correct time.

Over The Counter COVID Testing

Our convenient over-the-counter COVID tests are designed to give you the answers you need without the hassle. Whether you’re planning a trip, need to check in before an event, or just for your peace of mind, Pharmacy Express is here to make COVID testing stress-free.


COVID Testing
Medical Equipment Supplies

Medical Equipment Supplies

We believe in making healthcare accessible and hassle-free. Our reliable and efficient delivery services ensure you get what you need when you need it.

Medicare-Accredited DME Supplier

As a Medicare-Accredited DME (Durable Medical Equipment) Supplier, Pharmacy Express provides significant benefits to our Medicare customers. Our customers can trust Pharmacy Express to deliver high-quality medical equipment and services, making us a preferred choice for those seeking reliable DME solutions within the Medicare framework.

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